
Thu hút sự tham gia của hơn hai mươi Nhà sách, Nhà xuất bản uy tín với nhiều đầu sách hấp dẫn, nhận được sự quan tâm của đông đảo Quý phụ huynh và các em học sinh, chuỗi hoạt động nhiều màu sắc tại Vinschool Book Fair 2018 đã một lần nữa lan tỏa những giá trị tốt đẹp của văn hóa đọc tới Vinsers và cộng đồng.

Với chủ đề “Vietnamese Price – Global Mind”, Vinschool Book Fair 2018 tiếp tục là điểm nhấn trong chuỗi các hoạt động phát triển Văn hóa đọc của học sinh Vinschool được xây dựng và phát triển trong suốt năm học. Đây đã là lần thứ 5 sự kiện ý nghĩa này được tổ chức.

Ngay từ sáng sớm, đã có rất nhiều bạn học sinh cùng gia đình tới tham dự Hội sách, sẵn sàng cho chuỗi hành trình trải nghiệm lan tỏa văn hóa đọc. Với sự tham gia của nhiều nhà Xuất bản uy tín như NXB Kim Đồng, Nhà sách Nhã Nam, Đinh Tị, Fahasa…các bạn học sinh đã có cơ hội tìm cho mình nhiều đầu sách hay, bổ ích, bổ trợ cho quá trình học tập của các em.

Đặc biệt, gian hàng Sách đồng giá “Trao sách gửi yêu thương” thu hút rất đông sự quan tâm của các em học sinh. Các cuốn sách được chính các Vinsers đóng góp, được phân loại bán đồng giá để quyên góp vào Quỹ từ thiện của Vinschool.

Thu hút sự chú ý của rất nhiều người tham dự là khu trưng bày các sản phẩm văn hóa đọc của Vinsers như “Bookmark made by Vinsers”, “Sáng tác bìa sách sáng tạo”, “Quotes hay về sách” … Đây đều là những sản phẩm các em sáng tạo và thực hiện trong những tuần lễ hưởng ứng ngày hội sách. Ban Tổ chức đã tìm ra chủ nhân của những tác phẩm xuất sắc nhất để trao thưởng tại Ngày hội.

“Bước chậm lại đọc sách”, “Rất nhiều người đang xếp hàng chờ nhận sách, bạn thì sao?”, “Vui lòng chấp hành quy định tại các không gian đọc sách”… những biển hiệu với những thông điệp khác nhau được Vinsers “nêu cao” với mong muốn tạo ra một Vinschool Book Fair văn minh. Điều này cũng để lại ấn tượng tốt đẹp trong lòng những người tham dự.

Bên cạnh những hoạt động sôi nổi tại Hội sách, phần chia sẻ của giáo viên về những cuốn sách hay cũng nhận được sự quan tâm của Phụ huynh, học sinh.

Mỗi giáo viên tại Vinschool đều là một sứ giả truyền cảm hứng cho các em học sinh trong việc việc giúp các em học sinh hình thành văn hóa đọc. Book Review là dịp để các giáo viên chia sẻ những cuốn sách mà mình tâm đắc đến với Phụ huynh, đồng nghiệp và các em học sinh. Nói về lý do chia sẻ cuốn sách “Chinh phục mục tiêu” (Brian Tracy), thầy Phan Anh – Giám đốc Khối Trung học khu vực miền Bắc Hệ thống giáo dục Vinschool cho biết: “Mỗi chúng ta đều có cho riêng mình những mục tiêu trong cuộc sống. Với cương vị là những người làm cha, làm mẹ hoặc những người thầy, người cô, chúng ta đều có chung mục tiêu cao cả là: giúp đỡ, định hướng cho con và học sinh của mình vươn tới những điều tốt đẹp. Cuốn sách này sẽ giống như một công cụ, một người bạn đồng hành, ảnh hưởng tích cực đến những gì chúng ta đang làm, giúp chúng ta hoàn thành mục tiêu”.

Để hình thành thói quen đọc sách cho con thì vai trò đồng hành của phụ huynh là vô cùng quan trọng. Cuộc thi “Phụ huynh kể chuyện con nghe” đã nhận được sự hưởng ứng của các bậc phụ huynh. Có mặt tại chung kết cuộc thi, chị Thái Ninh, phụ huynh trường Tiểu học Vinschool Times City cho biết: “Thú vị và ý

nghĩa, đó là cảm nhận của tôi về cuộc thi nói riêng, về chương trình Book Fair nói chung. Đây quả là cơ hội tuyệt vời để Phụ huynh chúng tôi được đồng hành cùng nhà trường trong việc lan tỏa văn hóa đọc đến các con. Đặc biệt, hoạt động giúp tôi và con có thêm nhiều giây phút gắn bó với nhau hơn”.


Hip Hop- Rap

Hip hop music, also called hip-hop[3][4] or rap music,[4][5][6] is a music genre developed in the United States by inner-city African Americans in the 1970s which consists of a stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rapping, a rhythmic and rhyming speech that is chanted.[4] It developed as part of hip hop culture, a subculture defined by four key stylistic elements: MCing/rapping, DJing/scratching with turntables, break dancing, and graffiti writing.[7][8][9] Other elements include sampling beats or bass lines from records (or synthesized beats and sounds), and rhythmic beatboxing. While often used to refer solely to rapping, “hip hop” more properly denotes the practice of the entire subculture.[10][11] The term hip hop music is sometimes used synonymously with the term rap music,[4][12] though rapping is not a required component of hip hop music; the genre may also incorporate other elements of hip hop culture, including DJing, turntablism, scratching, beatboxing, and instrumental tracks.[13][14]

Netizens criticize Black Pink’s Jennie for her change in attitude and being ‘lazy’ on stage

Black Pink’s Jennie is under fire for her change in attitude while performing on stage.

According to netizens, Jennie has been very “lazy” and “careless” on stage during Black Pink’s performance lately. She supposedly lacks power and energy in the choreography and seems to be dozing off compared to her powerful stages in the past.

Netizens are criticizing the star for being arrogant, especially after her solo debut.
Comments stated,
“It might be understandable if it was during rehearsal but she’s so careless when fans are watching right in front of her. What is she thinking? Isn’t it normal for you to work harder if the fans are watching? She has changed.” 
“What’s wrong with her…” 
“She must think she’s all that because YG supports her so much but she’s not on that level yet.” 
“She must really think she’s the female version of GD but she still needs a lot of practice. Her live performance sucks.” 
“She thinks she’ll be fine even she doesn’t try hard…. Honey… that’s not how the world works.”
“Is she already tired only after 2 years since debut..”
What are your thoughts on the netizens criticizing Jennie’s “laziness”? 

Seafood From Two Tapas Masters at Saint Julivert Fisherie A Harbor for Fish Lovers in Brooklyn 10 PhotosView Slide Show › Image

Alex Raij and Eder Montero met while working in the kitchen of a sprawling, impersonal, gloomy modern-Spanish restaurant that lasted about two years. They went on to get married and, as joint chefs and owners, opened a string of compact, intimate, slinky modern-Spanish restaurants that are still in business.

Their one misfire was a small, intimate non-Spanish coffee shop in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn. After dusting themselves off, they replaced the cafe tables with taller and longer ones, traded the pastry cases for a bar, installed a stripe of backlighted glass blocks that cast a subaqueous glow on the room, and in September reopened as Saint Julivert Fisherie.

And what is a fisherie, you ask, having quickly consulted your French, Spanish and English dictionaries and found no such word? Saint Julivert is my first, but if it is anything to go by, then a fisherie is a seafood establishment that aspires to be more than a raw bar but does not want to be mistaken for a full-bore restaurant. Wines come mostly from coastal regions (and are organized by the nearest body of salt water). Small plates abound. And if you guessed that they are something like the tapas that Ms. Raij and Mr. Montero explore at El Quinto PinoTxikito and La Vara, but without the running Spanish theme, you are not far off.


30 movies you need to see in your lifetime

Television might be on an upswing, but nothing will ever replace movies.

In the past century that movies have been around, it’s given us unforgettable stories and characters.

Here are 101 movies everyone should watch in their lifetimes. They’re a mix of movies to see when you’re growing uprecent hitsstone-cold classics that’ll broaden your horizons, and pop culture touchstones everyone should be familiar with.

Take some time to add these to your queue.

1. “The Godfather” (1972)

“The Godfather.”
 Paramount Pctures

“The Godfather” (and its sequel) is just one of those perfect movies. The story, casting, and direction all work together to create onscreen magic.

You can read more about the movie here.

2. “Do the Right Thing” (1989)

“Do the Right Thing.”
 Universal Pictures

With its carefully built complex narrative, Spike Lee’s is a visceral movie about race in America that lends itself to new interpretations every time you watch it.

You can read more about the movie here.

3. “Citizen Kane” (1941)

“Citizen Kane.”
 RKO Pictures

“Citizen Kane” isn’t just essential viewing because critics often agree it’s the best movie of all time. It’s a timeless story of greed and power.

You can read more about the movie here.

4. “Before Sunrise” (1995)

“Before Sunrise.”
 Columbia Pictures

Richard Linklater’s “Before Sunrise” — and its sequels, each made nine years apart — are the most romantic movies ever made.

You can read more about the movie here.

5. “Boyhood” (2014)

 Sundance Institute

“Boyhood,” another Linklater film, was filmed over a period of 11 years to capture the life of a character growing up.

You can read more about the movie here.

6. “8½” (1963)

 The Criterion Collection

Fredrico Fellini’s “8½,” a classic of arthouse cinema, is a comedy about the messy romantic and professional life of a filmmaker trying to get a movie off the ground.

You can read more about the movie here.

7. “2001: A Space Odyssey” (1968)

“2001: A Space Odyssey.”

Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey” came out in 1968, but its special effects — and its message — are just as brilliant today as they were back then.

You can read more about the movie here.

8. “The Rules of the Game” (1939)

“The Rules of the Game.”
 The Criterion Collection

Few movies take as sharp a knife to the pettiness of class distinctions as “The Rules of the Game,” Jean Renoir’s hilarious yet moving satire.

You can read more about the movie here.

9. “Toy Story” (1995)

“Toy Story.”
 Disney Pixar

Of all the Pixar films, “Toy Story” is still the most essential. It’s a moving tale that changed animation forever. While you’re at it, watch its sequels as well.

You can read more about the movie here.

10. “Psycho” (1960)

 Paramount Pictures

Alfred Hitchcock was the master of suspense, and “Psycho” is one of his best works.

You can read more about the movie here.

11. “Seven Samurai” (1954)

“Seven Samurai.”
 Toho via YouTube

It’s a toss up between “Seven Samurai,” “Rashomon,” and “Ran” over which is legendary director Akira Kurosawa’s best movie, but there’s no doubt over which is the most influential.

“Seven Samurai” — about a villager who convinces seven samurai to defend his town from bandits — has been the template for everything from “The Magnificent Seven” to “Star Wars: Rogue One.”

You can read more about the movie here.

12. “The Muppet Movie” (1979)

“The Muppet Movie”
 ITC Entertainment

Every kid should watch “The Muppet Movie,” which helped bring the charms of Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy, and the rest of the gang to the world.

You can read more about the movie here.

13. “Bicycle Thieves” (1948)

“Bicycle Thieves.”
 Bicycle Thieves (1948)

“Bicycle Thieves” unfolds like a fable, with emotional clarity and a powerful social justice message in a simple story about a father, a son, and a bike.

You can read more about the movie here.

14. “Singin’ in the Rain” (1952)

“Singin’ in the Rain.”

“Singin’ in the Rain” is more than a sprightly musical comedy — it doubles as a history lesson for how movies evolved from silent to sound.

You can read more about the movie here.

15. “Beauty and the Beast” (1991)

“Beauty and the Beast.”

1991’s adaptation of “Beauty and the Beast” is one of Disney Animation’s crown jewels. It was the first animated movie to receive a best picture nomination at the Oscars.

You can read more about the movie here.

16. “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial” (1982)

“E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.”
 Universal Pictures

For kids, “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial” is a sweet story as well as a valuable lesson about being skeptical of authority.

You can read more about the movie here.

17. “Jaws” (1975)

 Universal Pictures

Every kid remembers the first movie that terrorizes them. To make it a good one, watch Spielberg’s “Jurassic Park” or “Jaws.”

You can read more about the movie here.

18. “Groundhog Day” (1993)

“Groundhog Day.”
 Columbia Pictures

“Groundhog Day” is a classic not just because it’s horrifyingly good at capturing the repetitive nature of adult life, but because it knows how to shake you out of accepting it.

You can read more about the movie here.

19. “Goodfellas” (1990)

 Warner Bros.

Of all of Martin Scorsese’s films, “Goodfellas” is his most masterful. It shows what can go wrong in the life of a promising young person, and how it can go spiraling down — all while being hilarious.

You can read more about the movie here.

20. “The Shining” (1980)

Here’s Johnny!
 Warner Bros.

“Red Rum. Red Rum.” Before today’s horror thrillers, there was nothing scarier than the adaptation of Stephen King’s 1977 novel about a couple staying at a hotel as the husband grows more and more delusional and violent while trying to write a book of his own. It’s one of Jack Nicholson’s best and most terrifying performances.

You can read more about the movie here.

21. “Moonlight” (2016)


Barry Jenkins’s “Moonlight” may be new but — in its portrayal of neglected lives and their pitiable turns — it’s already essential.

You can read more about the movie here.

22. “Some Like it Hot” (1959)

“Some Like it Hot.”
 United Artists

Billy Wilder has made about a dozen classics. “Some Like it Hot” stands out as having not only one of Marilyn Monroe’s finest roles, but a surprisingly progressive commentary on gender politics.

You can read more about the movie here.

23. “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” (2004)

“Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.”
 Focus Features

“Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” combines the best elements of a mind-bending psychological thriller and an epic, unforgettable romance.

You can read more about the movie here.

24. “The Shawshank Redemption” (1994)

“The Shawshank Redemption.”
 Columbia Pictures

“The Shawshank Redemption” was somewhat overlooked upon its release in 1994, but it’s since cemented itself as a universal favorite — and it’s guaranteed to make you cry.

You can read more about the movie here.

Bruce Willis in “Die Hard.”
 20th Century Fox

John McClane (Bruce Willis) is just an off-duty cop trying to save a bunch of hostages from a terrorist named Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman) at a Christmas party. Once you view it, you too will be able to weigh in on one of the hottest debates in pop culture: Whether or not “Die Hard” is a Christmas movie.

You can read more about the movie here.

26. “Blazing Saddles” (1974)

“Blazing Saddles.”
 Warner Bros.

“Blazing Saddles” is Mel Brooks’ boldest work, a searing satire of racism in America and the western genre starring Gene Wilder.

You can read more about the movie here.

27. “The Lion King” (1994)

“The Lion King.”

Adapting “Hamlet” as a musical would be hard, but “The Lion King” succeeds wonderfully by turning all the characters into animals.

You can read more about the movie here.

28. “Mulholland Drive” (2001)

“Mulholland Drive.”
 Universal Pictures

There are no other movies like “Mulholland Drive,” which has a dreamlike aesthetic, cryptic narrative, and dark humor that pushes the possibilities of cinema itself.

You can read more about the movie here.

29. “The Dark Knight” (2008)

Heath Ledger’s the Joker in “The Dark Knight.”
 Warner Bros.

Christopher Nolan’s second Batman film elevated the genre to new, darker heights and made it worth taking seriously. Heath Ledger gave the performance of a lifetime as the iconic Joker villain, earning an Oscar posthumously.

You can read more about the movie here.

30. “Pulp Fiction” (1994)

John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson in “Pulp Fiction.”

Quentin Tarantino’s “Pulp Fiction” helped change the way audiences thought about cinema, putting dozens of references and genres into a blender and turning it into something effortlessly cool.

You can read more about the movie here.


Rapper Tekashi 6ix9ine facing 32 years in prison over racketeering and firearms charges

American rapper Tekashi 6ix9ine is facing a minimum of 32 years in prison over racketeering and firearms charges.

According to TMZ, the controversial rapper’s latest arrest relates to a five-year federal investigation.

Tekashi, whose real name is Daniel Hernandez, is also facing charges including involvement in an armed robbery, drug dealing and conspiracy to commit murder.

The most serious charge involves him discharging a firearm while committing a crime – it carries a possible life sentence.

The rapper was arrested on Sunday night in New York. His ex-manager was also arrested.

He was later denied bail after a prosecutor told a court he was “quite violent”. He will remain in custody until his trial.

It comes after he narrowly avoided prison time in his child sex case.

He was ordered to complete 1,000 hours of community service and avoid any additional arrests.

The judge also said he must refrain from associating with any gang members and avoid all gang activity and also avoid posting or reposting online sexually explicit or violent images of women or children.

Last week, he shocked fans when he announced he had fired his entire team and cancelled his US tour just days before he was due to hit the road.

Drake takes the stage in another Nike Air Max Plus exclusive


A few months back, amid rumors that Drake was leaving Nike for Adidas, the Toronto-native took to instagram with an all-new “Stage Use” Nike Air Max Plus suggesting that he’s sticking with the Swoosh. During the latest stop of the “Aubrey & the Three Migos” Tour in Vancouver, British Columbia, Drake broke out another brand new colorway of the “Stage Use” Nike Air Max Plus.Like the black pair Drake debuted back in August, this new white rendition is highlighted by the exposed lacing system covering the entire shoe. It’s still unclear whether this sneaker is a new collaboration between Drake and Nike or an exclusive pair that will never release.Take a closer look at the new “Stage Use” Nike Air Max Plus in the IG posts embedded below and stay tuned for more details.
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