Netizens criticize Black Pink’s Jennie for her change in attitude and being ‘lazy’ on stage

Black Pink’s Jennie is under fire for her change in attitude while performing on stage.

According to netizens, Jennie has been very “lazy” and “careless” on stage during Black Pink’s performance lately. She supposedly lacks power and energy in the choreography and seems to be dozing off compared to her powerful stages in the past.

Netizens are criticizing the star for being arrogant, especially after her solo debut.
Comments stated,
“It might be understandable if it was during rehearsal but she’s so careless when fans are watching right in front of her. What is she thinking? Isn’t it normal for you to work harder if the fans are watching? She has changed.” 
“What’s wrong with her…” 
“She must think she’s all that because YG supports her so much but she’s not on that level yet.” 
“She must really think she’s the female version of GD but she still needs a lot of practice. Her live performance sucks.” 
“She thinks she’ll be fine even she doesn’t try hard…. Honey… that’s not how the world works.”
“Is she already tired only after 2 years since debut..”
What are your thoughts on the netizens criticizing Jennie’s “laziness”? 

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